Your Trusted Coconuteers!

Brothers Narshinha and Shrikant Mahambre grew up amidst the brisling coconut palms of the quaint state of Goa. Mhambros Cocopro, a bran-child of the Mahambre brothers was founded in 1953. From beginning as a coconut retailer, they gradually spread their wings, supplying quality coconuts to the thriving hotel industry in Goa. In the six decades of its inception, Mhambros Cocopro has grown leaps and bounds to become a leading coconut supplier with a loyal customer base, expanding its supply to several states of India.

The Tree of Life

The Coconut tree is one of the greatest bounties of nature. Known famously as the Kalpavriksha it is known for its versatility and multifaceted uses. Every part of the coconut palm serves in the sustenance of human life.

Infused with Love and Erupting with Freshness!

We at Mhambros Cocopro are dedicated towards providing luscious coconuts exploding with goodness. We have long-standing and trusted tie-ups with farmers and plantation owners who are experts in the art of coconut production.


We are now exploring new territories with our brand-new coconut products!



Discover the versatility of coconut-based products for a healthier lifestyle

How virgin coconut oil is different from regular
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Recent trend in consumer preferences have increased the popularity of virgin coconut oil against the regular coconut oil. The difference…

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Health benefits of coconut oil
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Coconut has been an integral part of many cuisines around the world. Coconut flesh or milk is used in diet.…

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Coconut Superfood of ancestors
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Coconut has been referred to as the lifeline of health by cultures across the world due to its health benefits.…

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How to include Virgin Coconut oil in cooking
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Baking Coconut oil is the best to use for baking. One can simply replace the existing oil and use coconut…

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About Desiccated Coconut
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Coconut meat which has been shredded and then dried is called desiccated coconut. It is prepared by removing natural moisture…

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How to use coconut oil on hair
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Everyone admires soft, lustorious and healthy hair. If one makes coconut oil their best friend, anyone can have healthy hair.…

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